Thrombosis UK relies entirely on grants and voluntary donations to continue our work.

By donating to Thrombosis UK, you will be supporting our work to:
- Provide information and support to anyone at risk of or diagnosed with a blood clot.
- Extend understanding of VTE to healthcare professionals through accredited educational events.
- Fund and support further research into thrombosis.
- Increase general awareness of risks, signs, and symptoms of a blood clot.
With your help we can save lives and protect lives from venous thromboembolism.
To make a one-off donation you can use any of the following fundraising platforms:
One-off donations can also be made to Thrombosis UK via Paypal Giving Fund. We are not charged any fees on these donations and Gift aid is automatically claimed and sent to us directly.
If you make a donation this way please notify [email protected] to verify receipt.

It's really easy to donate online to Thrombosis UK.
Select the amount you would like to donate from the boxes above, or choose an amount of your choice, and 'click'.
You can also donate via our social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram. Whether it is a birthday fundraiser, a one-off donation or by adding a donate button to your post. Simply type in ‘Thrombosis UK’ to find our profile.
Alternatively, you can also donate via our Facebook page
If you make a donation this way please notify [email protected] to verify receipt.

Standing Order
Via online banking or your local High Street branch, you can pay donations and fundraising directly into the Thrombosis UK account.
Account Name: Thrombosis UK
Account Number: 64749614
Bank Sort Code: 60-13-34
Reference: Please add your name and donation
By Cheque
If you would prefer to make a donation using a cheque, please enclose your details so that we can thank you and confirm safe receipt.
Make payable to: Thrombosis UK, and post to:
Thrombosis UK
PO Box 1242
BS40 8WG

Gift Aid
HMRC operates a scheme called Gift Aid that allows charities to claim the basic rate tax on every pound donated. So for every £1 you donate to Thrombosis UK, the charity will actually receive £1.25. If you are a UK Taxpayer and want to see if you and your donation qualify for Gift Aid please click here to find out.
If you qualify for Gift Aid please complete our online Gift Aid form here and we will do the rest. If you require a paper copy of this form please click here to download. Once complete just scan a copy and email to [email protected]
Thank you, in donating you are helping us continue our work in raising awareness, providing information and supporting much needed research.
Lasting ways to Donate
Regular Giving
By making a Monthly donation to Thrombosis UK you become part of the long-term work to achieve our vision and mission.
Our priority is for everyone to KNOW the Risks Signs & Symptoms of VTE and to support research to extend UNDERSTANDING into the PREVENTION and BEST MANAGEMENT of VTE.
Thrombosis UK receives no government funding and relies entirely on grants and voluntary donations.
Just Giving, Crowdfunder, Give Wheel, Paypal all offer the facility to Give regularly to Thrombosis UK. You can set this up via standing order from your own bank account just use the details above.
Lasting Legacy
Leaving a gift in your will to Thrombosis UK allows us to increase awareness and invest in research so that more people like Chrissy can be diagnosed correctly and survive VTE.
These gifts are vital to fund our expanding research programme and continuing our fight against thrombosis.
Making a New Will
1. List what you own
2. Plan who you would like to include
3. Decide who will write your Will
Amend Existing Will
1. Prepare your information
2. Review who you would like to include
3. Decide who will write your Will
What Gifts can I leave in my Will
1. A share of your estate
After you have provided for your loved ones, you can leave a share of what remains to charity.
This is known as a ‘residuary gift’.
2. A cash gift
This is when you leave an exact sum of money to us.
It’s known as a ‘pecuniary gift’.
3. A specific gift
Over the years we’ve received everything from a stream to antique jewellery.
4. A gift in trust
You can leave a gift for someone to use over a period of time. When the time has ended, the gift can be passed on to other recipients, such as a charity.
We receive all kinds of gifts in people’s Wills, and we’re grateful for all types of support. Speak to your solicitor if you’re interested in leaving an alternative type of gift.
If you would like your gift to be spent in a specific way, perhaps towards research, please do get in contact with us at: [email protected]
Donate in Memory
Celebrate the life of a loved one while supporting our vital work. Perhaps a family member or friend suffered from or died from thrombosis. Remember a loved one by making a donation in their memory to Thrombosis UK.
You can also remember a loved one by setting up a personalised tribute page that friends and family can donate to.
How to Create a Memory Page
1. Create
It is simple and safe to make a Memory page and add your photos and story
2. Share
Together we can help people to donate and leave messages
3. Support
The Memory page will celebrate your loved one’s life and raise awareness of thrombosis, supporting Thrombosis UK’s vital work
Tribute sites are one of the most popular ways people can donate following the loss of a loved one. One of the most popular is Much Loved, which helps you step by step so at a very sad and difficult time, Much Loved is holding your hand to help.
You can also set up memorial pages on Just Giving, Give Wheel and Crowdfunder. These sites will help to keep your donations together and so easier for you to see the total amount that has been given and share this with family and friends. Often this can provide families with some comfort.
Donate in Celebration
A special way of celebrating your occasion is to support Thrombosis UK. Ask your guests to consider making a donation to the charity rather than receiving presents.
Donate through Salary
Payroll Giving, also known as Give As You Earn, is a simple way to make regular, tax-free donations. It’s a quick and easy way to donate to us.
How do I donate?
Ask your Payroll Department whether your company offers the scheme. If they do, you need to decide how much you would like to give each time you are paid.
Every time you’re paid, your Payroll Department deducts the agreed amount and sends it to us. There’s nothing more for you to do.
Your donation will be even bigger at no further cost to you, as the Government adds the tax on as an extra donation, this means, if you agree to give £5, (if you are a basic rate tax payer) you only pay £4 – the taxman makes up the remaining £1.
Our priority is for everyone to know the Risks Signs & Symptoms of VTE and to support research to extend understanding into the prevention and bets management of VTE.
You can make a difference. Thrombosis UK receives no government funding. Your generosity and support allow us to achieve our mission.
How you can help
A key objective for Thrombosis UK is to support, promote and inform research into VTE.
Investing in Thrombosis UK will fund much needed research projects carried out in collaboration with leading UK and global VTE research teams.
Every penny helps to make a difference into researching cause – prevention – treatment and – best management to help everyone effected by and living with thrombosis.
Find out how you can help by contacting: [email protected]
Corporate Donations
Workplace Donations
We work with all sorts of companies and groups to help to make a real difference to the lives of thousands of people who are at risk of or living with the effects of a VTE.
There is so much that you and your company could do to help.
Make us your Charity of the Year
Thrombosis UK has a variety of exciting fundraising ideas to suit all levels of support and a range of existing events and activities that you and your colleagues can really get excited about.
Benefits of adopting Thrombosis UK as your Charity of the Year:
- VTE does not discriminate – it affects anyone of any age, gender and social-economic setting
- Lead the way in showing your employees, customers and potential customers, your company’s commitment to an issue that affects hundreds of thousands of people of all ages, gender, ethnicity and race
- Encourage team building
- Boost staff morale
- Positive PR opportunities
Make your company at the heart of every community and adopt Thrombosis UK as your Charity of the Year. For more information email: [email protected]
Fundraise at Work
Fundraising at work boosts team morale and raises your social responsibility profile in the local community and industries in which you operate.
Our work simply couldn’t happen without the support of the generous teams in businesses and organisations across the country.
We’ve created some simple and fun ideas to get your colleagues involved in raising money.
As an employer would you match-fund monies raised.
1. Sponsored Silence
An oldie but a goodie. Why not try to get the whole team involved too – or maybe even your boss.
2. Sponsored Silence
Ask your colleagues for a donation to take part.
3. Bake Sale
If you can’t bring yourselves to cut out the cake, charge people to eat it instead! Organise a few colleagues to bake their best showstoppers. Another easy way to bring in the dough.
4. Sporting Event
Sign up for one of our listed running, cycling or sport events:
5. Skip the Snacks
Are you a sweet-toothed bunch? Why not ditch the doughnuts for the day? Donate what you would have spent to Thrombosis UK.
6. Get an Exercise Bike
Hold a cycling or rowing relay – how quickly can you and your colleagues cycle from Lands End to John O’Groats? How fast can you row the Thames? Get your colleagues who don’t want to get sweaty to sponsor you. Or draw lots, getting people to guess how long it will take.
7. Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving, also known as Give As You Earn, is a simple way to make regular, tax-free donations. It’s a quick and easy way to donate to us.
How do I donate ?
Ask your Payroll Department whether your company offers the scheme. If they do, you need to decide how much you would like to give each time you are paid.
Every time you’re paid, your Payroll Department deducts the agreed amount and sends it to us. There’s nothing more for you to do.
Your donation will be even bigger at no further cost to you, as the Government adds the tax on as an extra donation, this means, if you agree to give £5, (if you are a basic rate tax payer) you only pay £4 – the taxman makes up the remaining £1.
If employer subscribes to Benevity we can receive one-off and regular donations via payroll or match funding.
Become a Corporate Sponsor
We are the nation’s leading thrombosis charity.
Combining the power of our brand with your brand is an effective way to:
- Improve customer loyalty and reach new audiences
- Stand out from competitors
- Generate positive media
- Engage staff and customers
Help Save Lives and Preventable Suffering
By partnering with one of the UK’s most trusted charity and aligning with our positive messages your will benefit company from being an innovator in supporting health-awareness and education.
Benefits of our sponsorship packages:
- Flexible, tailored sponsorship packages
- Brand exposure and awareness
- Wide range of established events options
From our flagship events such as our annual May Awareness; ‘Let’s Talk Clots’ can deliver packages to suit your brand and budget.
Together we can deliver a partnership that marries our joint objectives and values whilst raising vital funds for the leading UK thrombosis charity.
Find out more about working with us email: [email protected]
Pro Bono Support
Does your employer offer ‘Donate Days?’
Thrombosis UK has a small team working nation-wide to increase awareness, understanding, prevention and best management of venous thromboembolism.
Help Make a Difference
We welcome support from individuals and companies who can provide one-off or on-going volunteer support.
This could be:
- Skills training
- Media coverage
- Campaign Promotion
- PR guidance
- Event support
- Website review
- and more…
Your help will make a difference in our work to save lives
Contact [email protected] for more information