Focus on Thrombosis was developed by Christina Perkins and Adrian Dewey to raise greater awareness of the individuals who suffer from a blood clot and the impact thrombosis has on living life, for so many of survivors.

Thrombosis can affect any one – of any age, gender, nationality, 'wellness'. All of the people photographed are VTE survivors.

Thrombosis UK would like to thank Chrissy, Adrian and all of those photographed, for so kindly giving their time and dedication in sharing their accounts to support greater awareness and understanding of thrombosis.


26yrs old

I don't let the little things affect my life anymore and try to help others see the bigger picture


51yrs old

You think you're invinvible, now with every pain you worry


26yrs old

The biggest obstacle has been accepting my new normal at an age where you think you can do anything


51yrs old

It happens to runners too, travelling, then running a marathon, then travelling whilst dehydrated


29yrs old

I suffer from survivors guilt and I hope that those that have lost their lives to blood clots want me to raise the flag for them. Awareness is key in saving lives.


36yrs old

I have a more positive outlook and a carefree attitude to life


41yrs old

It's not a visible illness. It's about living your life without thrombosis taking over


38yrs old

I was misdiagnosed twice and was lucky not to have a stroke or seizure whilst waiting for correct diagnosis. This could have left my 4 children as my carers


43yrs old

Everything has changed physically. I have to consider where I sit, where I go, how I will get out of the car, how to put my socks on


26yrs old

I suffered from anxiety for a long time after my blood clots. I feel I have come through that now and am managing it


64yrs old

I had planned to retire at 65 and travel. I now feel that has gone out of the window because it has taken away my confidence


52yrs old

My family worry that I do too much, they are always caring about me and it was a shock to them that they nearly lost me


36yrs old

I have post thrombotic syndrome, thankfully not badly. My legs ache if it's raining. My husband will ask how my legs are to gauge the weather


Read published article [Farnham Herald]

Thrombosis UK are making the 'Thrombosis Through The Lens' photo canvases available for public educational and awareness displays. To find out more, including how to book an educational presentation by a member of the Thrombosis UK team, please email: [email protected]