The tragic story of Louis

Share the signs of DVT – unexplained pain, unexplained light headedness, unexplained breathlessness or a cough.

Seek medical attention and ask, could this be a blood clot

Covid-19 and thrombosis: what do we know about the risks and treatment?

Prof Hunt OBE, Medical Director for Thrombosis UK, discusses the high rates of blood clots being seen in patients who are seriously ill with covid-19, and the urgent need for the delayed clinical guidance on thrombosis and critical care for patients with Covid-19, to be published.

The danger posed by blood clots goes far beyond COVID-19

Blood clots are in the spotlight this week after reports that they are "clogging up" the lungs of patients in intensive care with Covid-19. Not that you have to be infected with the virus to be at risk. Despite the NHS being a world leader in clot prevention, venous thromboembolism - deep vein thrombosis (normally in the leg) and pulmonary embolus (clots in the lungs)­remains the main cause of preventable deaths in our hospitals

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