In July 2019, I am participating in a group climb of Mount Snowdon with my school. I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity and am so excited about using it as an excuse to promote awareness and raise money for Thrombosis UK!
After my diagnosis of multiple bilateral pulmonary embolisms in 2017 I was constantly out of breath. Walking to the next room felt like a marathon. I lost my breath talking and eating, and spent most of the first month after diagnosis sleeping.
During my recovery I was scared to be mobile incase the clots somehow moved from my lungs to my heart. I was terrified of doing anything that would make me exert myself physically, and I was in constant fear of getting injured while on blood thinners. I felt so restricted about what I could and couldn’t do. At that point I wouldn’t have ever dreamed of going for a jog, let alone climb a mountain! After spending months in fear of physical activity, I have now joined the gym (and a netball team!) and am enjoying having a goal to train for.
Needless to say, this is without a doubt the biggest physical challenge that I have ever faced, especially as I’ve never climbed anything higher than the stairs in Covent Garden Tube station. But I am determined to reach the summit and continue raising money for this brilliant charity!
Follow my journey on my JustGiving page.