I had always lived in a big city, where GPs were overworked, appointments were rushed and symptoms were overlooked.
Having suffered from migraines with aura most of my teenage years, I was always told to take tablets and ride them out. What my GP’s had missed was that the combination pill was not recommended for continued use or for those who suffered with migraines with aura. I had been on the combination pill for over 10 years.

late July that I started experiencing a shortness of breath, fatigue and I was struggling to run distances
After moving to Wiltshire in 2020, I started running to explore the area. 5k’s turned into 10ks and I was running more and more regularly. It wasn’t until late July that I started experiencing a shortness of breath, fatigue and I was struggling to run distances that had felt easy a few weeks previously. Shrugging it off I lived with these symptoms for over a month, until a friend suggested it could be an iron deficiency and I should go for a blood test.
I had never even heard of a Pulmonary Embolism
Explaining my symptoms over the phone, a trainee GP called me in and sent me for an immediate blood test and ECG. Unhappy with the blood test results she referred me to Salisbury Hospital for further tests the same day. After a chest x-ray revealed nothing, I was sent for a CT scan which revealed I had a blood clot on each lung. I had never even heard of a Pulmonary Embolism, and until it was explained I was completely unaware of how serious the situation was and could have been if not caught.
I was put on anticoagulation medication for 6 months and whilst the side effects were challenging, I could see an improvement in my health every day. Following the advice of my consultant, I came off the medication after 6 months, but am aware that this will always be a part of my life, particularly when thinking about starting a family.

I found running to be a great motivator
I found running to be a great motivator following my diagnosis as it gave me a goal to work towards. I am now back to running 20+ miles a week, got married and went on the dream honeymoon. Most importantly I feel happy and healthy.
I hope in sharing my story I can offer support and encouragement to others.
I am so grateful for my local GP seeing the symptoms of a Pulmonary Embolism and raising her concerns. I hope in sharing my story I can offer support and encouragement to others.