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I was diagnosed at nine weeks pregnant in 2008.

I was diagnosed at nine weeks pregnant in 2008. I’d had a flu type virus two weeks before and then spent a week hobbling around with what I thought was sciatica.

The day I was diagnosed I went to the supermarket and only made it as far as the door before my leg was so tight and painful I couldn’t go any further and I decided I needed to see the Chiropractor the next day.

my leg was so tight and painful I couldn’t go any further

That night I got into the bath and realised my leg was very swollen and a mottled purple colour. We called an ambulance and I was diagnosed in A&E.

I don’t have any underlying condition that makes me more prone to clotting. Most of it dissolved, but part in my abdomen calcified so I’m on anticoagulants for life. I believe that taking the pill for many years caused the clot in my abdomen and when I fell pregnant the increased blood volume expanded it down to my knee because my body could no longer deal with it.