Tony and Louise’s journey started in 2002, when Louise started developing DVTs. She had a total of 4 between 2002 and 2017 resulting in her being on life-long anticoagulation and left with severe damage to her veins.
In 2017, following a straightforward diagnostic procedure, Louise developed a further clot (diagnosed by Bella, their dog!). This clot started off a series of events which lead to her being completely unable to eat solid food and suffering terrible pain. Over the next two years, Louise went on to have a further seven procedures and was also diagnosed with May Thurner syndrome and an inherited thrombophilia. She is still undergoing treatment for her vascular defects to this day.
Tony said “All through this she has hoped that what is learned could help people in the future to not suffer like she has. Thrombosis UK work to raise awareness of blood clots and the effects they can have. Mainly prevention and precaution. So, for me, this makes perfect sense to support. Many more people than we realise lose their lives to DVTs and PE. Thrombosis UK also offer support and information for sufferers and assist in valuable research.
Eating fish and chips on the beach looking at the sea is something we have always loved, and never again will I ever take for granted. She is so happy I’m doing this bike ride for many reasons and has made me promise, whatever happens…I’m to do it, so she has my word! But she WILL be there, at Brighton Pier and I want fish and chips waiting and we can tuck in together on 15th September”.
We are delighted to say that Louise and Bella the dog were indeed there to greet Tony and his riding buddy Martin when they arrived, tired but elated, in Brighton – and fish and chips were enjoyed too! They have raised an incredible £3,670 including Gift Aid, which smashed Tony’s target of £1,800.
All the Team here at Thrombosis UK would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made this challenge such a fantastic one.