Michael is determined to help everyone to know the signs and symptoms of a blood clot, and has bravely shared his mother’s story to urge every reader to share information about blood clots and encourage everyone to #KnowThrombosis and to #ThinkThrombosis
This is my mother’s story of DVT
During lockdown of early 2021, around January of that year was when I noticed clots forming on my mum’s leg. My family urged her to see a doctor or go to hospital but as at that time Covid-19 was still highly present the possibility of that was very difficult to occur. Needless to say, she never did really get to see a doctor about it from what I can remember.
In the early hours of the morning of March 28th 2021, my mother’s life had very unfortunately came to an end. I was 13 at the time. There were still so many things my mum hadn’t gotten to see me do. The blood clots in her leg travelled to her lungs and unfortunately took my mum’s life.
I miss my mum more than anything else, I would give anything to have her back.
Thank you for reading my mother’s story.