My name is Sue and here is my PE story .
About 15 years ago when I was 45 (as I am coming up to my 60th) I had been having a knife like pain under my right shoulder blade on the Monday at work , I had also lost my voice for the last couple of months .
I had gone to the doctors with weight loss, and I had been waking up choking on what looked like coffee grains.
By the Thursday I could not walk up the drive on the way home from work so I drove myself to hospital. I was diagnosed with a bi-lateral PE and spent a week in intensive care.
A few months later a similar thing happened again while I was in Devon but the doctor asked me my medical history and thought I may have Factor V – he was correct.
I have had a few clots since then I am in the higher bracket for warfarin but I live for every minute.
I work full time, shoot field target for my region , paint commissions and try to make sure I drink plenty of tea , water , and I try to have every day with laugher
Thanks for your time keep well sue