Seeking to join, support, develop or share a research project?

Please select one of the following for opportunities which may be of interest.

UK Thrombosis Research Network (UK-TReN)

UK Thrombosis Research Network (UK-TReN) is an informal, clinician led network of healthcare professionals with an interest in thrombosis research.


  • To create a multi-disciplinary network of individuals interested in or actively pursuing thrombosis research.
  • To increase the number of CRN portfolio adopted studies pertaining to thrombosis.
  • To increase clinician/scientist collaboration in thrombosis.
  • To join INVENT, thereby enhancing international collaboration.

Who can join?

Anyone who is interested in thrombosis research!

All allied health professionals, doctors, midwives, nurses, and scientists are welcome.

What are the benefits of joining?

  • Ease of access to research-active multi-disciplinary collaborators nationally
  • Cross-fertilisation between basic scientists and clinicians
  • Influence the future direction of UK-TReN as it forms
  • Future access to INVENT benefits (if application successful) https://www.invent-vte.com/
    • access to funding opportunities (Dragons’ Den Competition; Kickstarter Awards, ISTH-INVENT Fellowship Awards) and resources
    • Training/networking opportunities for HaemSTAR/other registrar groups
    • participate in network collaborations, projects, and educational seminars
    • participate in networking events
    • Voting on INVENT Council with international key opinion leaders to help foster international collaboration in clinical VTE research (2 Council members/country)

How can I be more involved?

Watch presentations from Prof Simon Noble and Prof Dan Horner, given at the inaugural UK-TReN meeting held on 28th March 2023, and find out how you can become involved and part.

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HaemSTAR is an independent UK-wide network of registrars in clinical haematology, interested in promoting and performing research in classical haematology. Our focus is on collaborative projects across haemostasis & thrombosis, transfusion, general haematology, and obstetric haematology.

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INVENT-VTE seeks to improve the care of patients affected by venous thromboembolism (VTE) around the world through the fostering of international collaboration in design, development, conduct and promotion of high-quality clinical research into the causes, prevention, diagnosis and optimal management of VTE.

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Become involved through participation with UK and international research projects.

PETS Trial

Examining the benefit of graduated compression stockings in the Prevention of vEnous Thromboembolism in low-risk Surgical patients: a multicentre cluster

randomised controlled trial (PETS Trial) 

This study aims to evaluate the potential benefit of Graduated Compression Stockings (GCS) in the prevention of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in patients undergoing short-stay surgical procedures, assessed as being at low-risk for VTE.

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THRomboprophylaxis in Individuals undergoing superficial endoVEnous treatment (THRIVE):

THRomboprophylaxis in Individuals undergoing superficial endoVEnous treatment (THRIVE): is a multi-centre, assessor-blind, randomised controlled trial to establish whether in patients undergoing endovenous varicose vein procedures:

  1. A single dose of pharmacological thromboprophylaxis decreases the risk of VTE
  2. An extended course of pharmacological thromboprophylaxis decreases the risk of VTE
  3. Pharmacological thromboprophylaxis is associated with an increased rate of bleeding events
  4. Providing pharmacological prophylaxis is cost-effective
  5. There is a signal to suggest the pharmacological agent used affects the rate of VTE
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The GRACE trial

The GRACE trial aims to evaluate the potential benefit of Graduated Compression Stockings (GCS) in addition to extended duration pharmacological thromboprophylaxis (EDPTP) for surgical patients at highest risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE).

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Thromboprophylaxis in Lower Limb Immobilisation (TiLLI):

A study comprising two linked randomised controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of different methods of pharmacological prophylaxis for patients with temporary lower limb immobilisation.

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Yellow card Biobank scheme

The biobank is a two-year collaborative pilot study between the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and Genomics England.


Today, side effects account for 1 in 6 hospital admissions, placing burden on both patients and services.

The aim of the study is to improve understanding of how a patient’s genetics may increase their risk of harm from adverse drug reactions. It is hoped findings will lead to improved public health outcomes. 

The pilot study is focussed on two topics:  

1.         Allopurinol induced severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) including Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) 

2.         Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) and severe bleeding 


How You Can Help 

You can support by: 

  • Sharing Yellow Card Biobank content through your public mailing lists or other communication channels. 
  • Interacting with/sharing our social media posts to reach a wider audience. 

Our main objective is to raise awareness about the Yellow Card Biobank and encourage patients to complete a Yellow Card report, which is crucial to our recruitment efforts.

For further information, please contact

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Due to close mid March (extension request under review)

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Opportunities to share your research

Thrombosis UK on-line conferences provide an opportunity to present your work, share insights, and collaborate with peers from around the globe.

Look out for news of our next conference when there will be opportunity to submit abstracts for the Poster Hall exhibition. Successful submissions will be showcased as e-Posters in our virtual Exhibition Hall. Covering a wide array of crucial topics, including Coagulation & Natural Anticoagulants, COVID-related thrombosis issues, and Patient-centred care delivery.

Entry is free of charge and aims to foster meaningful discussions, driving forward the standards of care in thrombosis management.

Join us in this collaborative effort to enhance understanding, innovation, and patient outcomes in the realm of thrombosis.

Research News

Diagnosed with blood clots just weeks after giving birth
Wishing Mrs Hinch a full recovery. Popular social media influencer, Sophie Hinchliffe (Mrs Hinch) shared news of an extensive DVT just weeks after giving birth.
JTH launches new educational review series
The Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (JTH) has launched a new series designed to provide a foundational understanding of essential topics in the field of thrombosis & haemostasis.
Samantha died 5 weeks after giving birth
When Samantha became pregnant risk factors were not identified, and shortly after giving birth Samantha died of a PE.
Louis was just 24 years old
Louis spent hours on his computer for gaming and socialising. He spoke to clinicians several times in the days before collapsed and died.
Wishing Zak Starkey a full recovery from a blood clot in his leg
Zak, a successful musician, and son of Ringo Starr has been diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis, forcing him to cancel scheduled performances.
We must stop deaths from missed diagnosis
Dena Collins, a 28 year old nursery teacher died due to a blood clot despite attending her GP and A&E.
Seeking patients with experience of thrombosis in pregnancy
A PhD student is conducting a study on the treatment of blood clots during and up to six weeks after pregnancy. The study is seeking to involve individuals who have experience of thrombosis while pregnant or shortly after pregnancy. If you are interested in being involved in this study, please contact  [email protected]
Avoidable deaths in pregnancy
Our hearts go out to all the families suffering from loss and avoidable harm during pregnancy, birth and post-partum.  
Where are we with unproven Long Covid remedies?

Worrying risks in a range of unproven remedies for Long Covid.

We’d love to hear from you!

Your feedback helps us understand how we can do better and support you more effectively. Could you take a moment to click the button below and fill out a quick survey? It’s short, simple, and makes a big difference. Thank you!

Thrombosis UK VTE Awards
Application form

Applications are accepted on the basis that Thrombosis UK can share the content with external judges who will assist us with assessments. Service models, resources and working processes of successful Thrombosis UK VTE Award winners will be uploaded to the Thrombosis UK website and shared via publications, social media, and other opportunities.

When completing your application form, you should use lay language and answer each question in a concise manner. 

Please keep to any word limits given.

All sections need to be completed, if any section is removed, omitted or incomplete, we cannot process the application.

Applications need to be submitted via email to: [email protected] You will receive a notification of receipt within 48 hours of submission. If you do not receive a notification, please email [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 1st February 2025

We are unable to consider late applications.

Thrombosis UK Award deep vein thrombosis (DVT) pathway award for leading to improved timely diagnosis of thrombosis
Please note there is a separate application form for each category.

Thrombosis UK has a strict data protection policy that complies with UK data protection law.

Your name and contact details may be stored for up to 12 months in order for correspondence relating to your application be appropriately processed.


We wish to make you aware that your name and contact details, as included on your completed application form, will be viewed by the Thrombosis UK appointed Judging Panel solely for the purpose of reviewing and assessing your completed application.  If your nomination is short listed, a representative from Thrombosis UK will then seek your permission to include your name on the summary paragraph included in the awards brochure and on the Thrombosis UK website.

Thrombosis UK takes security and confidentiality very seriously. Your name and contact details will never be passed or shared with any third party or an unauthorised individual. If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Thrombosis UK VTE Awards
Application form

Applications are accepted on the basis that Thrombosis UK can share the content with external judges who will assist us with assessments. Service models, resources and working processes of successful Thrombosis UK VTE Award winners will be uploaded to the Thrombosis UK website and shared via publications, social media, and other opportunities.

When completing your application form, you should use lay language and answer each question in a concise manner. 

Please keep to any word limits given.

All sections need to be completed, if any section is removed, omitted or incomplete, we cannot process the application.

Applications need to be submitted via email to: [email protected] You will receive a notification of receipt within 48 hours of submission. If you do not receive a notification, please email [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 1st February 2025

We are unable to consider late applications.

Thrombosis UK Award for an excellent Quality Improvement programme that advanced practice in thrombosis prevention or management.
Please note there is a separate application form for each category.

Thrombosis UK has a strict data protection policy that complies with UK data protection law.

Your name and contact details may be stored for up to 12 months in order for correspondence relating to your application be appropriately processed.


We wish to make you aware that your name and contact details, as included on your completed application form, will be viewed by the Thrombosis UK appointed Judging Panel solely for the purpose of reviewing and assessing your completed application.  If your nomination is short listed, a representative from Thrombosis UK will then seek your permission to include your name on the summary paragraph included in the awards brochure and on the Thrombosis UK website.

Thrombosis UK takes security and confidentiality very seriously. Your name and contact details will never be passed or shared with any third party or an unauthorised individual. If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Thrombosis UK VTE Awards
Application form

Applications are accepted on the basis that Thrombosis UK can share the content with external judges who will assist us with assessments. Service models, resources and working processes of successful Thrombosis UK VTE Award winners will be uploaded to the Thrombosis UK website and shared via publications, social media, and other opportunities.

When completing your application form, you should use lay language and answer each question in a concise manner. 

Please keep to any word limits given.

All sections need to be completed, if any section is removed, omitted or incomplete, we cannot process the application.

Applications need to be submitted via email to: [email protected] You will receive a notification of receipt within 48 hours of submission. If you do not receive a notification, please email [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 1st February 2025

We are unable to consider late applications.

Thrombosis UK Award for outstanding patient resource, sharing information. about VTE prevention for patients and carers
Please note there is a separate application form for each category.

Thrombosis UK has a strict data protection policy that complies with UK data protection law.

Your name and contact details may be stored for up to 12 months in order for correspondence relating to your application be appropriately processed.


We wish to make you aware that your name and contact details, as included on your completed application form, will be viewed by the Thrombosis UK appointed Judging Panel solely for the purpose of reviewing and assessing your completed application.  If your nomination is short listed, a representative from Thrombosis UK will then seek your permission to include your name on the summary paragraph included in the awards brochure and on the Thrombosis UK website.

Thrombosis UK takes security and confidentiality very seriously. Your name and contact details will never be passed or shared with any third party or an unauthorised individual. If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Thrombosis UK VTE Awards
Application form

Applications are accepted on the basis that Thrombosis UK can share the content with external judges who will assist us with assessments. Service models, resources and working processes of successful Thrombosis UK VTE Award winners will be uploaded to the Thrombosis UK website and shared via publications, social media, and other opportunities.

When completing your application form, you should use lay language and answer each question in a concise manner. 

Please keep to any word limits given.

All sections need to be completed, if any section is removed, omitted or incomplete, we cannot process the application.

Applications need to be submitted via email to: [email protected] You will receive a notification of receipt within 48 hours of submission. If you do not receive a notification, please email [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 1st February 2025

We are unable to consider late applications.

Thrombosis UK Award for Enhancing Patient Experience
Please note there is a separate application form for each category.

Thrombosis UK has a strict data protection policy that complies with UK data protection law.

Your name and contact details may be stored for up to 12 months in order for correspondence relating to your application be appropriately processed.


We wish to make you aware that your name and contact details, as included on your completed application form, will be viewed by the Thrombosis UK appointed Judging Panel solely for the purpose of reviewing and assessing your completed application.  If your nomination is short listed, a representative from Thrombosis UK will then seek your permission to include your name on the summary paragraph included in the awards brochure and on the Thrombosis UK website.

Thrombosis UK takes security and confidentiality very seriously. Your name and contact details will never be passed or shared with any third party or an unauthorised individual. If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Thrombosis UK VTE Awards
Application form

Applications are accepted on the basis that Thrombosis UK can share the content with external judges who will assist us with assessments. Service models, resources and working processes of successful Thrombosis UK VTE Award winners will be uploaded to the Thrombosis UK website and shared via publications, social media, and other opportunities.

When completing your application form, you should use lay language and answer each question in a concise manner. 

Please keep to any word limits given.

All sections need to be completed, if any section is removed, omitted or incomplete, we cannot process the application.

Applications need to be submitted via email to: [email protected] You will receive a notification of receipt within 48 hours of submission. If you do not receive a notification, please email [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 1st February 2025

We are unable to consider late applications.

Thrombosis UK Award for advancing awareness and information sharing of cancer acquired thrombosis (CAT)
Please note there is a separate application form for each category.

Thrombosis UK has a strict data protection policy that complies with UK data protection law.

Your name and contact details may be stored for up to 12 months in order for correspondence relating to your application be appropriately processed.


We wish to make you aware that your name and contact details, as included on your completed application form, will be viewed by the Thrombosis UK appointed Judging Panel solely for the purpose of reviewing and assessing your completed application.  If your nomination is short listed, a representative from Thrombosis UK will then seek your permission to include your name on the summary paragraph included in the awards brochure and on the Thrombosis UK website.

Thrombosis UK takes security and confidentiality very seriously. Your name and contact details will never be passed or shared with any third party or an unauthorised individual. If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Thrombosis UK VTE Awards
Application form

Applications are accepted on the basis that Thrombosis UK can share the content with external judges who will assist us with assessments. Service models, resources and working processes of successful Thrombosis UK VTE Award winners will be uploaded to the Thrombosis UK website and shared via publications, social media, and other opportunities.

When completing your application form, you should use lay language and answer each question in a concise manner. 

Please keep to any word limits given.

All sections need to be completed, if any section is removed, omitted or incomplete, we cannot process the application.

Applications need to be submitted via email to: [email protected] You will receive a notification of receipt within 48 hours of submission. If you do not receive a notification, please email [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 1st February 2025

We are unable to consider late applications.

Thrombosis UK Award for work in VTE Prevention
Please note there is a separate application form for each category.

Thrombosis UK has a strict data protection policy that complies with UK data protection law.

Your name and contact details may be stored for up to 12 months in order for correspondence relating to your application be appropriately processed.


We wish to make you aware that your name and contact details, as included on your completed application form, will be viewed by the Thrombosis UK appointed Judging Panel solely for the purpose of reviewing and assessing your completed application.  If your nomination is short listed, a representative from Thrombosis UK will then seek your permission to include your name on the summary paragraph included in the awards brochure and on the Thrombosis UK website.

Thrombosis UK takes security and confidentiality very seriously. Your name and contact details will never be passed or shared with any third party or an unauthorised individual. If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

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