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COVID-19 and clots

It isn't the jab you need to fear - even mild Covid can trigger deadly clots: With reports of people shunning the AstraZeneca vaccine, we look at the (very rare) risk

COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing COVID-19 - NICE guideline [NG191]

This guideline covers the management of COVID-19 for children, young people and adults in all care settings. It brings together our existing recommendations on managing COVID-19 so that healthcare staff and those planning and delivering services can find and use them more easily.

COVID vaccination and blood clots

Recent news has highlighted pausing of the Astra Zeneca COVID vaccination in some countries due to concern about reported blood clots in a small number of people shortly after receiving the vaccination. It is important that all adverse events are reported and investigated.


The popular National Thrombosis Week annual conferences are online for 2021!

Live sessions will run 3-14 May and the NTW21 conference platform will remain open until 28th May to provide access to all recorded sessions with CPD validation and exhibition.

Register Now!

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