So, just in case the title doesn’t give it away, I’ve signed up to hike to Everest base Camp this September as part of an organised group! I’m crazy, I know.
Why have I decided to do this? Sometimes I’m not quite sure myself. I guess I got a bit carried away with my hiking while I was in South America and came home thinking I could conquer the world…so now that’s whats got to be done! I also guess that maybe when I signed up to do it was thinking that’s the highest I’m probably ever going to get and so thought that’s the closest I’m ever going to get to my Mummy….I know now that I don’t need to be touching the sky to be close to her, but it’s too late to back down now….the deposit is paid and I’m doing this!!

Everest Base Camp
So why Thrombosis UK? Well, as most of you know, my perfectly healthy Mum suffered from a fatal pulmonary embolism following her long haul flight to see me in Chile. It was a massive shock to everyone and the absolute worse experience of my life. I want to help raise awareness of these possibilities and prevent another family going through what we have. If I tell 200 people my story, and then each of those tells 1 other person, and only half of those tell another, then that’s 500 people that will be more aware of the risks.

So am I saying don’t take long haul flights? Most certainly not. I’ll be flying 13ish hours to Nepal to undertake this challenge, and in the future I plan to fly back to Chile and to many other far away places, so I can hardly go telling people not to do the same. But I know that I won’t be trying to sleep the whole flight anymore. I will be following any advice that is given to me, and if advice isn’t given then I will go searching for it myself. The very last thing my Mum would want is for me to stay cooped up in England for fear of flying!
If anybody feels like following my journey then please have a read of
I’m here to make my Mum proud
I have a fundraising target of £3,500 to meet which is going to be tough! I shall attempt to raise most of that through here and then will hold a fundraising BBQ type thing in the summer for friends, family, young farmers, villagers and whoever else wants to come along and support my cause, to try and raise the last of the money.
I am starting off the donations with £100 of my hard earned cash to show all you doubters (the ones who know how unfit I currently am) that I am in this to the end. I will train and I will succeed. I’m not giving up. I’m here to make my Mum proud 🙂