The Royal Society of Medicine:  COVID-19: Lessons learnt – the lung cancer perspective

CPD Accredited, FREE webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated a change in clinical practice and in the way that we interact with our patients. These times have brought to the fore innovations in health care delivery together with challenges to overcome.

This webinar presents the three facets of the lung cancer treatment pathway and the lessons learnt during these trying times. We have the pleasure of having three highly qualified and dynamic speakers to share with us their views on managing patients during the pandemic. The key learning objectives will be as follows:

  • To recognize the impact of the pandemic on lung cancer referrals
  • To understand the multitude of risks to having and performing surgery during the pandemic – to the patients and to the operating teams
  • To appreciate the increased risks of delivering systemic anticancer treatment during a pandemic

Visit the Royal Society of Medicine website for more information and registration