Thrombosis UK work to support a clear message for the those with a history of blood clots and the COVID-19 vaccination

Thrombosis UK work to support a clear message for the those with a history of blood clots and the COVID-19 vaccination

Group 6 COVID-19 vaccination programme in the UK
February 24th 2020

We delighted to hear that a few of our followers in the UK have already been called for their COVID 19 vaccination within the Risk Group 6 Cohort.

We are pleased to confirm that in the UK, if you have a 'History of Venous Thromboembolism' and are over the age of 16 you qualify to receive the COVID-19 vaccination within the Group 6 roll out.

This is regardless of:

  • When you last had a VTE (DVT/PE)
  • Whether you are still on anticoagulation or not
  • Whether you are still on anticoagulation or not
  • Whether your DVT/PE was provoked or unprovoked

For more information on the UK COVD-19 vaccination programme and the 'Risk Group' categories please see the Green Book Chapter 14a

If you have not yet been called please do not worry the roll out is at different stages across the UK and there are huge numbers of patients to be invited. If however you do have any concerns please contact Thrombosis UK for general guidance via email to: [email protected]

Andrew Kennedy
The author

Andrew Kennedy

Web Administrator