Throughout the pregnancy I had really suffered with shortness of breath

Hi my name is Alicia, I am 36yrs old and have 2 beautiful sons, a loving husband and a wonderful supportive family and set of friends. On the 13th August 2016 we all experienced something that we never thought would happen to us. After giving birth to my second son by caesarean I had a pulmonary embolism, that would see me almost lose my life.

I was told I had a pulmonary embolism (PE) and several blood clots all over my lungs

On the 11th December 2020 (the day before my 23rd birthday) after a few days in and out of hospital for tests I was told I had a pulmonary embolism (PE) and several blood clots all over my lungs. It had been a strange and stressful year for everyone and the thought of having a health problem while the NHS dealt with a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic left me filled with dread.

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