Archive of: June, 2023

Louise - I had a bilateral PE in 2013

I had a bilateral PE in 2013, but was initially sent home from A&E with antibiotics despite classic symptoms/risk factors and a strong family history of thrombosis because my d dimer was negative. I was 31 at the time and a keen runner.

My name is Kayleigh, I am 25 years old

My name is Kayleigh, I am 25 years old, 5 years ago this year in July, I was diagnosed with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. I had been suffering from major headaches and feeling sick for weeks!

Charlotte Johnson, 19

In late September 2022, I woke up to a weird pain on my left side. I thought I’d pulled a muscle in my sleep but as the day went on the pain intensified. The next day was my first day of 2nd year (for context I’m a student nurse), I barely slept that night as I couldn’t lie flat from the pain and went to university extremely uncomfortable with every breath I took.