Craig's Story

If you ever feel like your bodies telling you something, get it checked out

My name is Craig, I started getting what I can only describe as cramps in my left calf. It also had a sensation of water trickling down my leg but coming from inside the leg.

I left it for a few days and seemed to get stronger and longer so I eventually went to see my GP.

I may point out that I’m a plumber and I personally believe that as I am bent down so much that when that is why I got a clot. I didn’t have any other risk factors and I wasn’t on any long haul flight, immobile or anything like that.

When I saw my GP, he couldn’t see any redness or swelling but as I explained the symptoms he said I should go to A and E to be checked out.

I got a D Dimer test which showed my blood being low and that there could be a blood clot. I was sent down for an ultra sound and it showed a DVT in my calf.

I was given blood thinners for three months.

I can’t stress enough - If you ever feel like your bodies telling you something, get it checked out