Knowing that you are not alone, can make such a difference. Understanding what others have experienced and things that have helped – or challenged, along the way.

If you would like to offer your support by recording and sharing your account you will be helping many, many other.

Simply write your account in an email or on a word document and email this to [email protected] ideally sharing with one or more photos.

Brian first experienced a sharp, searing pain in the calf

In August 2013 I was on holiday with my family in a seaside town in England when I woke up in the middle of the night literally screaming with a sharp pain in my left calf. I thought it must be a pulled muscle or cramp and tried to get out of bed to put my foot on the ground. The pain was intense and wouldn’t go away.

Colleen Bonnett - My Clot Story

The cause for Colleen’s blood clot is not clear, but as she reflects, like many things, good health is never fully appreciated until it disappears.

DVT + Pulmonary Embolisms - My Story: David Morgan

To begin with – something about me, 61 years old (May ’57) non-drinker, non-smoker – try to keep myself reasonably fit through regular recreational cycling (sportive events etc) – and in last 5 years or so have typically done 8,000km or so a year.  This is my story and how a series of long haul flights changed my life.

Trip to New York - Charlotte's account

"In August 2017, aged 23, I went on a trip to see my sister in New York. I had a whole row to myself on the plane, both there and back. I made the most of the opportunity and spent both flights stretched out and even had the chance to lie down. I was wearing flight compression socks and got up a few times for the loo.

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