Posts by: Annya Stephens-Boal

Trying to stay one step ahead

Trying to stay one step ahead

I have been a little tardy with my blog updates. Last week didn’t happen at all and this one is towards the end of the week rather than as I planned it to be at the beginning. As with many of us, life gets in the way of good intentions, but all one can do is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again (are you singing along with me).

So here I am with my third blog in the series – better late than never!

Once more unto the breach

Once more unto the breach

OK, the moment of no return has arrived! I am now officially starting the Step Up To Stop Clots challenge. I have my plan in place and hopefully things will fall in to place as I wish them to.

Some days are better than others

Some days are better than others

Well, here I am. 59 years old in a few days’ time (the same age as my Mum when she suddenly died from a massive bilateral saddle pulmonary embolism), 42 years post first DVT and 36 years post my own massive bilateral pulmonary emboli which nearly put paid to me too.